The truth about creatures saves billions of dollars

Although it has a bad reputation as a harassing, disturbing species, it is actually one of the extremely useful creatures for humans. They help people save billions of dollars a year in agriculture.

Picture 1 of The truth about creatures saves billions of dollars
Bats account for about 20% of mammals. With more than 1,200 species, bats are considered one of the largest mammalian sets, just behind rodents. Bats are divided into 2 branches: big bats and baby bats. Large bats have very good observations, they eat fruits and nectar. Baby bats often use echoes. Their food is insects and blood.

Picture 2 of The truth about creatures saves billions of dollars
Bats are everywhere. Like birds, bats are everywhere, except Antarctica and the Arctic. They often nest in caves, cracked rocks, foliage and attic or under bridges.

Picture 3 of The truth about creatures saves billions of dollars
They use sound waves to hunt. Although not blind, the power of bats lies in the ability to locate by sound waves. When hunting, they emit an ultrasound. This sound when encountering an insect or object will reflect, letting the bat know the position of the obstacle. This ability is so sensitive that it can recognize a human hair.

Picture 4 of The truth about creatures saves billions of dollars
Bats have helped people save billions of dollars in controlling agricultural insects. You do not need to spend money on toxic pesticides if you have a field of bats near your field. A bat can eat up to 600 insects / h. They play an important role in insect control and crop protection.

Picture 5 of The truth about creatures saves billions of dollars
Female bats have the ability to control the timing of pregnancy and delivery. To ensure that the external conditions are suitable for the baby bats to be born, the mother bat has equipped herself with many biological tricks so that they reject the fetal fertilization, breeding and development. In some species, despite fertilization in the fall, female bats can keep sperm in reproductive organs before fertilization in the spring. Some species, fertilized eggs, but instead of clinging to the uterine wall, they float. And some species even have the ability to stop fetal development.

Picture 6 of The truth about creatures saves billions of dollars
There are bats sucking human blood. However, unlike many people still think, bats do not really suck human blood, they only use their sharp teeth to create a small wound on the skin and suck blood from that wound. Every day they only need 2 spoons of blood so their victims are not in danger to their lives.

Picture 7 of The truth about creatures saves billions of dollars
Big bats often like to eat vegetables. 70% of bats eat insects, but large bats mainly eat fruits and berries.

Picture 8 of The truth about creatures saves billions of dollars
Bats hanging upside down are to save energy. The reason that bats can hang upside down for a long time is because their circulatory system is completely different. While all other mammals have an inverted valve that prevents blood from flowing in the opposite direction, the bat possesses these valves on its back. In addition, bat blood, instead of being pumped to the brain like human blood, flows down to the body. These are to ensure blood is circulated throughout the bat's entire body.

Picture 9 of The truth about creatures saves billions of dollars
Bats are the only mammal that can fly. Some mammals such as flying squirrels can only fly a short distance, the bat actually possesses this ability.

Picture 10 of The truth about creatures saves billions of dollars
Bats often live in large flocks, which can reach millions. The largest bat colony in nature is the Bracken Bat Cave in Texas, with the number of birds in the herd up to 20 million. In just one night, this bat colony can consume up to 200 tons of food.