The United Kingdom found the latest high mountain - Hope Mountain

The UK has a new title for this country's highest peak. According to reports from the media, the Hope mountain has become the country's latest peak.

Hope Mountain was recently measured by the British Government and found it to be taller than Jackson Mountain. Hope Mountain is now about 10,626ft (3238,805m) and Mount Jackson is only 10,446 ft (3183,941m).

Picture 1 of The United Kingdom found the latest high mountain - Hope Mountain
Hope Mountain is now about 10,626ft (3238,805 m).

Map planners at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) were prompted to reconsider the mountains because of concerns about the safety of pilots flying over the White Continent.

Peter Fretwell from BAS said: "There is no road in Antarctica, so you have to fly an airplane, if you fly an airplane, you really need to know where and how high the mountains are."

"There are aircraft accidents on the continent that happen and we believe some of them may be due to missing maps or bad data."

Like Hope Mountain and its new location, the reevaluation will provide a more complete description of the rescue journey by identifying coordinates, making it easier and more accurate to rescue.

Some mountains have "quietly moved" up to 5km. Therefore, it must be more accurately located in future continental maps.

Mount Vinson, located just outside the British Antarctic territory, remains the highest peak on the continent at an altitude of 16,049 ft (4891,735m).