The uses of baking soda surprise you

Today, baking soda is more and more popular and familiar to everyone, but not everyone knows how to make the most of baking soda. Here are the simple, easy-to-do tips that help you turn Baking soda into an effective beauty method.

How to treat acne with baking soda

Baking soda has a lot of benefits in skin beauty, in the previous article, the section has taught you how to whiten with baking soda. To continue maximizing the effectiveness of Baking soda for your skin, let's learn more about how to treat acne with this powder!

1. Treat blackheads

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Treat blackheads with baking soda.

Baking soda is very effective in treating acne. With Baking soda's formula to treat blackheads, just mix Baking soda and warm water at a ratio of 1: 1. That is, a teaspoon of soda, you mix a teaspoon of warm water (a teaspoon of measurement). Then you use this solution to rub all over the area with blackheads, let it dry for about 15 minutes and then wash your face with water, making every day will bring you a beautiful natural light skin.

2. Treat acne

The effect of Backing soda powder in treating acne is no less than that of blackheads. With just a little baking soda, you can fly stubborn acne spots and bring out the radiance of your face. Also with a very simple method, mix Baking soda with water and salt at a ratio of 3: 3: 1 meaning 3 spoons of Baking soda will mix with 3 tablespoons of water and 1 tablespoon of salt, mix the mixture well and apply on acne spots, leave it for about 10 minutes then rinse with clean water. Regularly use this mixture to get the desired skin.

Benefits of Baking soda with skin

For skin, Baking soda is not only effective for acne treatment, but it also has a very effective cleansing and whitening effect. Some recipes that combine Baking soda with lemon and honey below have also been talked about by many in the world.

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Beautify skin with baking soda.

1. Use Baking soda as a shower gel to beautify the skin

Baking soda is known for its extremely effective and safe natural cleanser, so you can use Baking soda to replace your shower gel, before bathing you with a small cup of Baking soda. In your bath water, Baking soda will make your skin clean, pink and smooth. However, if your skin is dry, you should rinse clean water if you do not want your skin to suffer, since Baking soda contains alkali.

2. Exfoliate with Baking soda

Exfoliating is also an important process in beauty, it will help it take away dead cells and dirt that deep in the skin, help skin clean and absorb nutrients better. With this method you will mix 3 spoons of Baking soda with 2 tablespoons of warm water and you will get a mixture, then use this mixture to apply to the massge face gently for about 15 minutes then face with clean water. You will feel much softer and smoother skin, you will immediately see the results after the first use. For exfoliation, you can also use the formula as above.

3. Take care of your hands with Baking soda

We often take care of our skin or nourish the whole body, but often neglect the skin, not being moisturized or properly cared for to dry our skin and affected nails. . With baking soda you will bring a new vitality to your skin, just baking soda on your hands and massge in a circle and then rinse with water you will feel a surprising change, Baking soda will treat acne Skin beauty is very effective.

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Baking soda acne treatment is very effective.

4. Beautify skin with Baking soda and lemon

Ingredients to prepare: Baking soda, fresh lemon juice and green tea essential oil How to: Add lemon juice to Baking soda to create a smooth mixture and then add green tea, mix well, wash The face is then applied to the face and gently massaged for best results, relax for about 20 minutes then wash your face with clean water, however, only use 1-2 times a week.

5. Beautify skin with Baking soda and honey

Ingredients include: Baking soda, honey, milk sugar salt. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well, we will get a paste. Put the mixture in a bath with warm water and add a little coconut oil. You will have a great time to relax with this method. Your skin will be taken care of to become more perfect.

How to clean hair with Baking soda

So we know how to clean the skin and how to treat it with baking soda. Now, the column will reveal how to use Baking soda for hair. Smooth and healthy hair is always a woman's beauty criterion, let Baking soda bring you the smoothest hair.

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Use Baking soda for hair.

1. Dry shampoo

If you are a busy girl, your free time is a luxury. or you are in need of time but still require a good appearance, then Baking soda powder may be your savior. Put a little baking soda and talcum on a comb, then brush it evenly over your hair from your feet to the tip, then baking soda powder will drain off the sebum that gets on your hair, your hair will be clean and Smooth as freshly washed. However, this solution is only a situation, after finishing the job at the company, remember to wash your head!

2. Shampoo

If you regularly use shampoo or hair products such as hair styling they will build up in your hair and scalp to make your hair look silky, Baking soda will replace your regular shampoo. You get rid of all the chemicals left in your hair. With a 1: 3 formula, mix a portion of Baking soda with 3 servings of water into a small bottle, then apply it to your hair for about 3 minutes then rinse with clean water.

3. Effective solution for fast hair

The cause of flat hair may be your scalp or use a lot of hairdressing products. Baking soda will solve that problem as quickly as possible, put 3 tablespoons of baking soda in your shampoo and wash it as usual. This mixture is especially suitable for oily hair, because they have the ability to clean the scalp, remove dandruff and dirt.

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Baking soda can help your hair become flat.

Other beauty benefits of Baking soda

Baking soda has a lot of beauty benefits, the combination of baking soda is very diverse and effective. In addition to the baking soda recipes you just mentioned above, there are many other recipes that the category wants to introduce.

1. Cure sunburned skin

Sunburned skin is a formidable thing for women and to overcome that is not easy and baking soda is a very good solution for sunburned skin. In a very simple way, just mix a little baking soda and apply it to the sunburned skin or you can use it to bathe, or dissolve Baking soda with warm water into a spray bottle then spray it on damaged skin. An extremely effective solution for your sunburned skin.

2. Cure foot odor effectively with baking soda

Legs are a nightmare for women, you are not confident to go out while your looks are beautiful but your feet smell bad, so is there any solution for your feet. Baking soda is the savior of your feet, with a very simple method you can soak your feet in 2 teaspoons of Baking soda and 1 tablespoon of salt water and soak for about 20 minutes. This mixture helps you remove dirt and dead skin under your feet, making your skin smooth and smooth, and the time will make your foot odor no longer available.

3. Clean the nails

Your nails and toenails will become brighter and more shiny thanks to Baking soda, with a quick recipe, give a little baking soda with a little warm water and then gently brush your nails on your nails and nails. foot. Experiment and feel the suspicious results that Baking soda brings to your nails, they will become more shiny.

4. Baking soda dims calluses in the hands and feet very well

The calluses in the elbows or legs will make your skin less youthful, but if you rub baking soda on those calluses will make them disappear, this may sound unbelievable but in fact so. Mix baking soda with water and coconut oil in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. Then apply this mixture on the skin of the bottle, so that for about 20 minutes then rinse with water, it is advisable to take 3 weeks at a time to bring an unexpected effect to your hotel skin.

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Baking soda can also help you make natural deodorant rollers.

5. Baking soda helps effectively reduce dark spots and acne scars

Not all anti-scarring drugs work as well, so try baking soda. With a little baking soda and honey you mix in a ratio of 1: 1 and then apply this mixture to the dark skin and acne scars. After a short time the bruises and scars will gradually spread away, giving you shiny and smooth skin.

6. Making deodorant roller

Baking soda can also help you make a natural, safe - non-chemical deodorant roller that is both very pleasant. To make this deodorant, you only need to mix a Baking soda with cool water, then stir to form a smooth solution of solution. Next, you can add 1 to 2 drops of lavender essential oil. Finally, smooth it over the underarm area. I have read an article studying the effect of lavender, this flower is very helpful in preventing bacteria!

7. Baking soda acts as a beauty oil

If you really like essential oils but can't afford them, baking soda is a perfect substitute. With equal proportions of honey, Baking soda, sugar milk and salt, mix this mixture into a bowl and pour this mixture into a bath of warm water you can add a few drops of olive oil or Coconut oil is the perfect bath for your skin.

Benefits of Baking soda with teeth

1. Effective whitening with Baking soda

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Baking soda has very good bleaching properties, so it is often used to effectively bleach teeth.

Baking soda has a very good bleaching properties, so it is often used to effectively whiten teeth, in some brands it has this substance to increase the whiteness of the teeth. Mix coconut oil with a scoop of Baking soda and use them as your daily toothpaste, this will be a very beneficial mixture for your teeth, and can both whiten and antimicrobial. However, because the detergent is quite strong, you should only use this mixture twice a week.

2. Reduce bad breath with Baking soda

Not only does it help to whiten Baking soda, it also gives you a natural, fresh breath and has a good anti-bad breath effect. Use a baking soda mixture as a natural toothpaste to give you a cool breath.

Other uses for Baking soda

Baking soda is not only useful for beautifying and enhancing your oral health, but also many other uses that you may not know about. Here are some articles that the column has written in the previous period, you can read to add more interesting knowledge about this type of powder.

Hopefully, with so many useful recipes from Baking soda mentioned above, you can choose for yourself some of the most suitable recipes, to help guide your life and family