The way for babies to eat is related to IQ

A new study shows that an infant is fed when they ask to be related to IQ.

Scientists at Essex University and Oxford University said they studied the data of more than 10,000 children born in early 1990 in the British region of Briston.

Picture 1 of The way for babies to eat is related to IQ

According to research results published in the European Journal of Public Health , the 8-year-old's IQ scores were fed when they demanded 4-5 points higher at birth. number of children who are eating according to the time.

This difference is also evident in test results with children aged 5, 7, 11 and 14 when they go to school.

Principal researcher Maria Iacovou at Essex University affirmed that 'the difference between eating needs and eating time is found in both bottle-fed and breast-fed babies .' However, she emphasized at the time. This should be very careful about claiming a certain causal link between feeding patterns and intelligence indicators.

Maria Iacovou said: 'This is just the first study in this area and more research is needed before we can explicitly confirm how we feed our babies in the direction to the intelligence index as well as which mechanism leads to that link '.