Why shouldn't cow's milk be given to babies?

A new study shows that cow's milk is not suitable for babies because it is not nutritious enough for their development.

Accordingly, high-protein cow's milk is not suitable for immature kidney organs of newborns. Moreover, cow's milk is not sufficiently nutritious for children to develop, said Debnath Chaudhuri, Chief of Biochemistry and Nutrition, Indian Institute of Public Health Hygiene.

Picture 1 of Why shouldn't cow's milk be given to babies?
Cow's milk should not be given to babies in the first five years of age

In addition, cow's milk and buffaloes can contain a number of bacteria such as E.coli, staphylococcus aureus, Shigella and salmonella, as well as yeast and mold, which contaminate milk at normal temperatures, affecting health. of children.

Scientists recommend that cow's milk should not be given to babies in the first five years of age. Only breast milk should be used, because breast milk contains a lot of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, including antibodies that protect children from illness.

Currently India has a high proportion of mothers who stop breastfeeding and switch to feeding cow's milk, with 69% of babies under 2 months of age being breastfed, and at 2-3 months of age this rate is 51%. and at 4-5 months of age, this rate is only 28%.

Reference: Zeenews