Mankind is familiar with drinking cow's milk for millennia thanks to the biological evolution of the body and progress in animal domestication.

Roasted milk contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, providing three times more calories than buffalo milk and can become a new superfood in the future.

The cows raised in the present era are always under great pressure to meet the production of human milk.

About 3% of babies are allergic to cow's milk in the first year of life. The allergenic culprit is beta-lactoglobulin, a protein that exists in cow's milk but is not part of human

An Argentinian laboratory announced that they had just created the world's first genetically modified cow to carry human genes and when it grew up it would give milk like human

Scientific studies have proven that food and dairy products are an ideal source of nutrients for humans. This is a true food source, not just a supplement.

Cow, egg, fish, seafood, tree seeds, peanuts, soy and wheat are the culprits of up to 90% of food allergies.

Nutrition from goat's milk is healthier and better consumed even for people with lactose intolerance.

Dr. David Katz - Director of the Yale-Griffin Center for Disease Research and Prevention (USA) - recommends that consumers before choosing milk should consider based on their

Whether you love or hate cow's milk, cow's milk is always a great source of calcium and vitamin D. Today scientists think they can exploit cow's milk to protect people from HIV.