The world's 10 most exotic and endangered amphibians

London, England animal organization, has selected 10 unique and endangered amphibians globally. Campaign to protect the forgotten creatures. There are currently about 6,200 amphibian species known and many other undiscovered species.

1. This Malagasy frog has a rainbow color that can inflate itself when in danger. It can also climb on steep cliffs.

Picture 1 of The world's 10 most exotic and endangered amphibians

2. One of the most bizarre species in the world is Sagalla caecilian , a creature with no tactile tendencies on either side of its head.

Picture 2 of The world's 10 most exotic and endangered amphibians

3. The giant Chinese salamander, can be up to 1.8 meters long. It evolved independently from other amphibians, from 100 million years before the tyrant dinosaurs.

Picture 3 of The world's 10 most exotic and endangered amphibians

4. This purple frog was first discovered in 2003, because it is buried under 4 m of land all year round.

Picture 4 of The world's 10 most exotic and endangered amphibians

5. One of the frogs lives only in the ancient graveyards of the Skeleton Gorge, in Table Mountain, South Africa.

Picture 5 of The world's 10 most exotic and endangered amphibians

6. Found in Mexico, this rare non-lung salamander breathes through the skin and mouth.

Picture 6 of The world's 10 most exotic and endangered amphibians

7. This Olm blind salamander has transparent skin and lives on the ground. It hunts by sniffing and electromagnetic induction. Creatures can live without food for 10 years.

Picture 7 of The world's 10 most exotic and endangered amphibians

8. A close relative of frog Darwin ( Rhinoderma darwinii, pictured above), a Chilean frog Darwin never photographed live and is no longer seen since 1978 - probably now extinct. Frogs protect their children by hiding them in their mouths.

Picture 8 of The world's 10 most exotic and endangered amphibians

9. Betic midwife toads evolved from other species more than 150 million years ago. Males carry fertilized eggs around the hind legs.

Picture 9 of The world's 10 most exotic and endangered amphibians

10. Seychelles Frog is probably the world's smallest frog, with adults up to 11 mm long. Amphibians are being degraded as a result of the destruction of ecology, environmental pollution, climate change and disease.

Picture 10 of The world's 10 most exotic and endangered amphibians