The world's fastest liver transplant

UK doctors have performed liver transplantation which is considered the fastest in the history of world medicine - when performing all tests and surgery within 3 days after finding the appropriate donor.

The 24-year-old Billy Sewell, who was on the verge of death, was promptly given a liver by a childhood friend.

The donor (Luke Gumble) has more organs in common with the patient than the family members, and immediately agrees to give you 60% of his liver.

Picture 1 of The world's fastest liver transplant
Donors must have the same blood type as the recipient, and yes
The liver is similar in size and shape. (Photo: Telegraph)

According to the Telegraph, doctors at the Royal Free Hospital in London have completed all physical and psychological tests in just a few days, instead of the usual few weeks.

The two boys were then put into surgery simultaneously in two operating rooms next to each other, to make sure the liver leaves were placed in Billy's abdomen in time. Liver surgery took 7 hours, and the transplant took 9 hours.

Professor Max Malago, chief surgical officer, said this donated liver is the only hope for Billy. Each hour passed, the patient weakened again, so that the doctor always feared he could die at any time.

"This patient needs an emergency liver transplant so much that we only have 2 days to do a series of tests and paperwork. We think this is the first time a live organ transplant has taken place so quickly. so between two adults ".

Billy was discovered liver failure just before Christmas, and weakened rapidly afterwards.

The liver is the only organ in the body that can regenerate vigorously, and only 3.5 months after the operation, both boys have recovered quickly. Gumble went back to work and Billy also hoped to be so soon.