The Military Medical Hospital 103 has just announced the first lung transplant in Vietnam that has been successfully performed.

Italian doctors have successfully performed kidney transplants into the spleen position of a 6-year-old girl. This is considered the first medical achievement in the world for

When the human heart and brain are no longer fighting for life, the respiratory and circulatory systems have to stop, that is the moment of death.

Before conducting heart transplant surgery, a 25-year-old American man must wear a 24/7 artificial heart backpack throughout 555 days.

Abcnews reported that doctors in Maryland's Johns Hopkins Medicine Hospital have successfully performed the world's first liver and kidney transplant between donors and recipients

On February 24, the first US uterine transplant surgery ended successfully after 9 hours.

Previously, a transplanted kidney from an HIV patient to another HIV patient was performed in South Africa and it has also been shown to save lives of transplant recipients.

Experts have recently succeeded in printing an ear

At present, Vietnam has not prepared a plan for transplanting heads, but is prepared to select the first donors and recipients.

Thanks to a revolutionary technology, the donor's heart is still guaranteed to be throbbing in a body-separated box until the moment it is transplanted for the needy.