The world's most dangerous road

Every year, countless people die in traffic accidents and part of the reason is road quality. Here are pictures of some of the deadliest roads in the world.

Picture 1 of The world's most dangerous road

Picture 2 of The world's most dangerous road

Picture 3 of The world's most dangerous road

1. Road to Yakutsk province in Siberia.
This is the only way to reach Yakutsk province. Driving scenes must be hard to be inundated with this mud frequently. Sometimes, to get out of here, they have to wait for weeks. Every time the rain comes, the right thing here will become a disaster. (Photo:

Picture 4 of The world's most dangerous road

Picture 5 of The world's most dangerous road

Picture 6 of The world's most dangerous road

2. Death Road in Bolivia:
The North Yungas line is ranked among the most dangerous roads for drivers. It runs through the Andes, stretching 70km from La Paz to Coroico, winding and very narrow. Accidents happen regularly and take the lives of 100-200 people every year. In 1995, the Inter-American Development Bank called this road the most dangerous in the world. (Photos: Getty Images,

Picture 7 of The world's most dangerous road

Picture 8 of The world's most dangerous road

3. The military road in the mountains connects Russia and Georgia
The Sukhumi military route in Georgia in the Caucasus Mountains has always frightened the drivers. (Photo:

Picture 9 of The world's most dangerous road

4. Road from Kathmandu, Nepal's capital, to Mount Everest. (Photo:

Picture 10 of The world's most dangerous road

5. Typical path connecting India and Bangladesh. (Photo:

Picture 11 of The world's most dangerous road

Picture 12 of The world's most dangerous road

6. This is considered the most dangerous tourist route in the world. This road is near the Great Wall of China, China. (Photo:

Hai Ninh