Theory against the whole world of Flat Earth Society

Some believe the Earth is flat, and the spherical Earth satellite image is a conspiracy of NASA and other government agencies.

Since its founding in 2009 in the United States, the Flat Earth Society says its membership has steadily increased by 200 people every year to date, according to Live Science.

This association member said that the Earth is in the form of a disk, with the Arctic Circle in the center and the Antarctic being a 45-meter-high ice wall surrounding the Earth's plate. They believe that the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) is guarding this wall to make sure no one climbs over and falls off the "disk".

Picture 1 of Theory against the whole world of Flat Earth Society
Flat Earth model, with the North Pole in the center and the South Pole surrounded.(Photo: Creative Commons 1.0 Generic / Trekky0623).

The Earth's day and night cycle is explained by the Sun and Moon moving in a circle at a distance of 4,828 km from the Earth's plane. The stars are at a distance of 4,988km. Like the spotlights, these spheres illuminate different parts of the planet in a 24-hour cycle. They also believe that there is a "anti-Moon" that obscures the Moon when a lunar eclipse occurs.

In addition, they think that Earth gravity is just an illusion . The objects are not sucked down, but are pushed up at 9.8m / s2, thanks to the mysterious dark energy. The flat Earth Society is arguing about Einstein's theory of relativity that allows the flat Earth to accelerate infinitely but not to exceed the speed of light. In their model, Einstein's laws are still recognized.

The association believes that satellite images of spherical Earth are just Photoshop products launched by NASA and the governments of the countries. GPS devices are also designed for pilots to believe they are flying in a straight line on a sphere, instead of actually flying around the disc.

The theory of flat Earth stems from a method of thinking called "Zetetic method " , developed by flat Earth theorists in the 19th century, attaching importance to sensory observation over experimental evidence. . In Zetetic astronomy, flat Earth perception leads to the inference that it must be really flat: anti-Moon, NASA's intrigue and all similar hypotheses to rationalize that conclusion.

According to scientists, these details make the theory of flat Earth theorists as silly and complex as a joke, but supporters still consider it a reasonable astronomical model. than what is taught in textbooks.