There are 5 types of 'fat' you should know for a proper diet and exercise

Fat people can also be divided into several forms, some of which can be weight loss, but others that make your body fat for life, forcing you to accept that body. Let's see what kind of you are?

1. Fatty due to genetics

The genes in some fat cells are inherited. If parents have the genetic obesity gene for their children, their children will be easily obese and bad habits in life such as not eating properly, not like exercise, like snacks . will also promote obesity physical formation.

Picture 1 of There are 5 types of 'fat' you should know for a proper diet and exercise
The genes in some fat cells are inherited.

2. Obesity by period

Obesity is often seen in women, adolescence, premenopause, pregnancy, hormonal changes that will lead to an imbalance in the hormonal system, affecting the delivery process. metabolism also increases appetite, leading to increased calorie intake in the body

3. Pure obesity

In normal life, if we eat too much fried food, grease, high calorie, eating too much in a long time, the body will not be able to fully convert these nutrients.

Nutrients that are not digested in time will be converted into fat, into fat accumulated in the body.

4. Postpartum obesity

Normally, pregnant women have a big change in their diet. Because of ensuring the baby has the best development, mothers often eat high nutritional and high calorie supplements.

This leads to a buildup of calories in the body, which turn into fat in the abdomen and buttocks. But due to the enlargement of the uterus, women often ignore these layers of excess fat.

5. Obesity of a part

Sitting for a long time without exercise, normal activities without rules, or those who have to attend a party of alcohol, excess fat will focus on the abdomen. This is also the most concentrated area of ​​fat in the body. In addition, poor blood circulation in the legs can also cause fat accumulation.

Picture 2 of There are 5 types of 'fat' you should know for a proper diet and exercise
Obesity of each part of the human body.

So how to lose weight?

In fact, no matter what type of fat you are, just have determination, trying to lose weight, owning a slim body can reach anyone. Here are 4 methods to help you achieve that.

1. Persevering exercise

Exercise is the most effective way to lose weight, you can choose to run slowly, swim, yoga, aerobic exercise . at least 30 minutes will be the best weight loss effect. It can then be combined with strength exercises to increase muscle content, improve metabolism, accelerate the body's metabolism.

2. Take a deep breath with your abdomen

Perhaps very few people know that breathing can cause weight loss. When breathing the whole body force, breathe deeply until the abdomen bulges, then exhale until the abdomen is indented. This type of breathing can stimulate the diaphragm and increase the pressure on the abdominal muscles, thereby improving the digestive system, eliminating toxins in the body.

3. Standing after meals

Try for 30 minutes after a meal without sitting or lying down. This will reduce the digestive ability of the stomach and intestines. It is best to maintain a standing position after a meal to help digest new food and avoid accumulating fat.

4. Control the amount of calories consumed

The daily diet reduces foods high in salt, sugar, and fat. Adding more fiber, has the effect of promoting the activity of the intestinal tract and eliminating toxins in excess fat. Also can be combined with some functional foods, both weight loss and additional nutrients.

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