There are tornadoes on Saturn

Scientists on May 8 said they believed that it was the storms themselves, not the other elements that controlled the whirlwind (up to 400 km / g) on ​​Saturn. The basis for this is the recent photographs taken by the Cassini probe.

In these pictures, the researchers discovered the movement of southern hemisphere clouds. They assumed that the whirlwinds, or giant whirlwinds, had swirling winds.

The swirling wind on Saturn is now moving faster, bringing clouds to the west or east. By monitoring the movement of these clouds every 10 hours, the scientists concluded that the cyclone created a whirlwind.

Cassini is a project of NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Italian Space Agency. The ship is currently operated by NASA's Jet Laboratory in Pasadena.

Picture 1 of There are tornadoes on Saturn
(Photo: NASA)