There will be a breast milk bank in the future

Picture 1 of There will be a breast milk bank in the future


In the United States, people are making the idea of ​​establishing a non-profit milk bank for charitable and healing purposes, towards the commercialization of this unique product.

Breast milk has long been considered an extremely valuable and useful supplement for babies, so it is recommended that women should feed their own milk as soon as possible and as long as possible.

The reason in breast milk contains up to 100,000 different complementary ingredients.

A pioneer in this field is Prolacta Bloscience in California, where people have established a center for processing and preserving milk from various donors, then using it for hospitals to heal and nurture. children with weakness, illness, lack of milk .

In addition, breastmilk is also a useful medicine to treat many different diseases, including cancer such as prostate cancer and for the resuscitation of children. If successful, Prolacta Bloscience will replicate this model to procure, process and trade dairy products like other conventional products.