These effective ways to save time

You can't change the number of hours in a day, but you can use them effectively without stress and mental stress. The following 'tips' will help you save considerable time during the day:

Complete simple tasks

Always complete simple tasks and never leave unfinished work to do other things.'Our minds can only tolerate 7 information at the same time. If you skip a job to do something else, the information will be disordered and need to be rearranged, making you spend a lot of time ' - David Creswell, psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University (USA), said know.

Take a break while solving complex problems

According to Creswell, those who have to perform complex tasks often work better when they take a two-minute break and do something completely different, such as solving a crossword while trying to complete the declaration. tax.'Your brain will process information unconsciously when you do different things (with the main task),' Creswell explains.

Train willpower

Picture 1 of These effective ways to save time

Will is the key to success. Just like the muscles in your body, the more you train, the more your muscles develop. Psychologist Roy Baumeister of Florida State University (USA) said encouraging a person to perform willpower training exercises, such as using a hand to open the door or brushing his teeth, can help them strengthen their practice. middle in more important tasks."Will exercise exercises will help people improve their time management and develop the ability to make better decisions" - Mr. Baumeister added.

Limit search online

Studies show that when searching for online information, we often access a lot of websites but only 1-2 pages produce results. In addition, wandering online also makes us 'popular' to find familiar sites like Facebook or LinkedIn. Therefore, to avoid losing time, you should only focus on finding what is needed for the job. If possible, turn off email and mobile phones when working on a computer.

Set up a specific schedule

Many studies show that people tend to leave things that are most difficult to do at the end of the day, so it is often impossible to complete. The advice for you is to set a time frame for each job. According to Daniel Markovitz, the "writer" specializing in how to manage Harvard Business Journal (USA), the work schedule will provide you with a basis as well as a specific time limit to complete the assigned task. . This is a better time management way to make a to-do list of the day.

Limit receiving unnecessary information

We often suffer from emails, calls and unimportant suggestions to bother during the day. To avoid losing time, you should filter out what's important to care about, not passively receive them. When working, don't regularly check and reply to emails, but set the auto-reply mode, which says you don't have time to respond and if you have an emergency, phone you .

Prepare everything from the night before

According to experts, the time before bed is ideal to set up the idea of ​​working for the next day. Researching brain scans of sleeping people shows that the brain often handles problems when we sleep, so reviewing work before bed helps the brain remember what needs to be solved the next day.