Choose herbs for sauna

Some easy-to-find herbs work to make skin more smooth and youthful, and soothe stress. Sauna is one of the most effective ways to use it.

Picture 1 of Choose herbs for sauna

Mint leaves (Photo: Beautiful)

The following 8 types of grass are the best ingredients for facial steam. Combined with processing methods, they will give you a sense of comfort and reduce stress:

Lemon essential oil: Has a calming effect on the skin, restoring health.

Sim: Cooling skin, exfoliating, regenerating fresh new skin.

Mint leaf: Makes skin bright, healthy and rosier.

Chamomile: Has the effect of cooling the skin and relaxing. Anti-inflammation of skin pores.

Rosemary: Stimulates, reduces swelling and pain of acne.

Mugwort: Helps skin look brighter and healthier.

Marjoram: Has a calming effect on skin, restoring health and relaxation.

Thyme: Cleanses skin, detoxifies and brightens skin.

How to steam your face: Pour boiling water into a small insulated pot, then add 1/3 of water. If you use dried herbs, put in a spoon. If using fresh herbs, add 2 tablespoons. Then add chrysanthemum to create the aroma. Wrap a cotton towel over your head, close to your face in the hot water that is evaporating. After 15 minutes, take a bath or wash your face.