This is a creature with horns as big as ivory, surprised with what's inside: What is it?

Strange creature with horns as big as ivory on its head!

What creatures are they?

Picture 1 of This is a creature with horns as big as ivory, surprised with what's inside: What is it?
Watusi cows.

The creatures possessing these large horns are a species of cow native to Africa, called Watusi cows, also known as long-horned Ankole cows, Ankole-Watusi cows (scientific name: Bos taurus indicus). This is a cow that plays an important role in the life of Africans.

Their appearance is nothing special compared to other cows, except for this exceptionally large horn. The large horns help them fight and defend themselves against dangerous enemies as well as when fighting with their fellows for territory or mates.

Picture 2 of This is a creature with horns as big as ivory, surprised with what's inside: What is it?
The cow has the longest horns in the world.

An adult Watusi bull can weigh from 410 to 730 kg, more than 2.4 m tall, but it is also very difficult to balance for its large horns. The record horn of a Watusi cow in Wyoming, USA is up to 103.5 cm (according to Guinnessworldrecords).

For the Mundari tribe in South Sudan, they attach great importance to this cow, considering them as their most valuable asset and ready to protect them at any cost, including sacrificing their own lives. or use firearms.

They are also considered a currency, a symbol of the status of a family, the Mundari people rarely kill them but mainly get milk from this cow. The huge horn of the Watusi cow is actually a calcium store for the body.

It is a major source of nutrition for indigenous peoples, especially in the driest and harshest regions of Africa.