Found mammoth ivory in the middle of American streets

When digging water pipes in Seattle, USA on February 11, workers found mammoth ivory 10,000 years ago.

According to Jeff Estep, director of Transit Plumbing, a group of workers found ivory at a depth of 12m when they were digging plumbing in South Lake Union neighborhood.'They touched something very hard, long, strange shape. They continued digging the ground and found it to be ivory , 'Estep said.

Picture 1 of Found mammoth ivory in the middle of American streets
Workers found mammoth tusks in Seattle on February 11.(Photo: Daily Mail)

The representative of the Burke Museum of History and Nature in Seattle said archaeologists confirmed that the fossil was found to be a mammoth from the ice age.

'The discovery of mammoth tusks on South Lake Union Street is a rare opportunity to directly study Seattle's ancient natural history,' said Dr. Christian Sidor.

According to museum officials, fossils are found on private grounds, so the handling of ivory will be decided by the landlord. Mammoths are an extinct ancient elephant genus.

They existed during the Pliocene period (about 4.8 million years to 4,500 years ago). It has long hair characteristics (approx. 50cm), thick, long and curled ivory. Very long mammoth teeth, arched in, the longest to 5cm. The hind legs are short, so the center of the body is tilted back, the shoulders are raised.