Discovered 10,000-year-old mammoth ivory

A group of Russian oil workers accidentally discovered ivory and bone fragments of a mammoth, estimated at least 10,000 years old.

Found 10,000 year old mammoth ivory

The group of oil exploration workers happened to find traces of mammoths while working in the area about 50 km from Nyagan town, in the Khanty-Mansi district of Russia. They started digging with shovels and found two ivory, tibia, ribs and some pieces of teeth at three meters deep.

Picture 1 of Discovered 10,000-year-old mammoth ivory
Ivory and some pieces of mammoth bones are found in Russia.(Photo: Siberian Times)

According to the expert fossil museum expert Anton Rezvy, this is a female elephant, who died about 30-40 years old and lived at least 10,000 years ago.

" We can send this discovery to a radioactive carbon test. Analyzing the gene will help determine whether this mammoth comes from Europe or North America, " the Siberian Times said Tuesday.

Sputnik said the experts planned to study the reason why mammoths disappeared in the area, and found their source. Meanwhile, the group of oil workers is choosing a name for the mammoth.

Scientists believe that mammoths are extinct more than 10,000 years ago , but some elephants still lived until 1,650 BC.