This is how NASA will use it to protect chimpanzees

In the face of the danger of chimpanzee extinction, NASA has come up with a solution to protect this species by flying aerial satellites.

NASA announced the start of cooperation with Jane Goodall Research Institute in an effort to help preserve chimpanzees. The partnership will use NASA satellites and the US Geological Survey's Landsat satellite to monitor chimpanzees.

100 years ago, the world had about 2 million chimpanzees. But now, according to estimates by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), that number is about 345,000 or less.

One of the main reasons chimpanzees are threatened with survival is that their habitats are lost. In fact, strong deforestation can be seen from space, so we can monitor the habitat of chimpanzees from there.

Picture 1 of This is how NASA will use it to protect chimpanzees
The use of satellites to observe dangerous human encroachment activities can prevent the decline of chimpanzee habitats.

In 2000, Lilian Pintea, vice president of Remote Sensing Conservation Science at Jane Goodall Research Institute, said he had seen satellite images of areas around Gombe National Park, the Refuge Zone. refined in Tanzania in 1972 and 1999, and found that the level of deforestation was terrible.

"NASA satellites will track chimpanzees and their habitats, this data will be analyzed by scientists and can provide appropriate measures , " Pintea said.

The data received allows Pintea and his colleagues to monitor where the chimp is at high risk. NASA's Landsat satellite can track information about human land use and its impact on protected areas.

The habitat of chimpanzees is often concentrated in the perimeter of forests or in deep forests. But these places are gradually narrowed by logging and coal production activities leading to increased deforestation.

The data of the satellites will be used by Jane Goodall Research Institute to inform scientists and conservationists, as well as local communities, about more effective land use plans that help the living environment. Chimp's is expanded.