This new harm will make you want to take your phone away and immediately

Using too many phones not only harms the eyes, harms the hands, harms the neck . but also causes a very strange phenomenon for the human brain.

We are witnessing a generation that is always glued to the phone screen anytime, anywhere. And because of that, many strange "only in modern society" diseases appear, such as texting finger syndrome, old phone .

And recently, an American study also showed a greater harm, which is related to our brain. Accordingly, smartphones can "drain" the entire energy of the brain, causing you to lose your ability to think.

Picture 1 of This new harm will make you want to take your phone away and immediately
A generation just stuck its nose into the phone.

Specifically, experts from the University of Chicago experimented with the " brain drain hypothesis " hypothesis , to verify whether smartphone use limits human thinking ability. .

Basically, the brain has only a certain source of energy for concentration and cognitive processing. But in the presence of the phone, the energy source was accidentally used to help them . ignore it.

After all, after that, you can't do anything else - that is, your work performance will be completely reduced.

Picture 2 of This new harm will make you want to take your phone away and immediately
The brain has only a certain source of energy for concentration and cognitive processing.

Experts have tested over 520 students, examining their ability to memorize as well as their intellect with the following situations: the phone is in sight, the phone is in a pocket or a bag, or a room completely other.

Students were asked to do a test on mathematics, logic, memorization . Research shows that students who do homework while still seeing their phone have about 10% lower results in questions. related to memory and concentration.

The group also reacted more slowly than students who left their phones in another room. This proves that even if not, the phone will automatically "extract" our ability to focus, making the results really lower than expected.

Picture 3 of This new harm will make you want to take your phone away and immediately
Even when not in use, the presence of mobile phones also reduces productivity.

To explain, the expert team thinks it's not really the phone that distracts our focus.

The reason is mostly because of the psychology of people who have always tried to not be distracted. The process also removes energy from the brain, while it should be used to complete the job.

"You don't intentionally think about the phone, but the brain automatically handles it to keep you from noticing it, and inadvertently causes the energy used to concentrate to be exhausted" - Dr. Adrian Ward , research director concluded. "This is the phenomenon of brain drain for technology ".

So next time, before starting any work, find a way to get the phone out of sight. Only that will help you achieve the highest concentration effect.

Picture 4 of This new harm will make you want to take your phone away and immediately
Want to focus 100%, let the phone go out of sight.

The study is published in the Journal of Consumer Research Association (USA).