Tight lumbar easily causes cancer ... throat

People wearing tight belts increase the risk of developing throat cancer, according to research by Scottish scientists.

Scientists at Strathclyde University and Southern Hospital in Glasgow (Scotland) believe that the habit of wearing a tight waistband may cause the stomach to push acid into the esophagus. This increases the risk of esophageal cancer.

Picture 1 of Tight lumbar easily causes cancer ... throat
The habit of wearing a tight waistband increases the risk of acid reflux.(Photo: Daily Mail)

The conclusion comes after scientists conducted research with 24 volunteers without a history of acid reflux. Volunteers are required to swallow a device to measure acidity in the esophagus at the time before and after eating as well as at the time they wear and not wear a waistband.

The team found that when volunteers wore tight belts, they were susceptible to acid reflux. This symptom occurs more often in people with obesity.

Professor Kenneth McColl, head of the study, said: 'Wearing a tight belt, especially if you are obese, puts pressure on the valve between the stomach and esophagus. This causes stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. Unlike the stomach designed to retain acid, the esophagus is destroyed by acid. This causes heartburn and for a long time can lead to esophageal cancer '.

Acid reflux is related to esophageal cancer because it destroys esophageal cells and causes them to change. These altered cells tend to become cancerous. The earliest symptoms of esophageal cancer are a feeling of difficulty swallowing.