Tiny water bug: the most

According to new research by French and Scottish scientists, the tiny aphid species with scientific name Micronecta Scholtzi is the world's largest sound-producing animal, considering its proportion to body size.

Picture 1 of Tiny water bug: the most
Micronecta Scholtzi - Photo: microcosmos

In the report of PLoS ONE scientific organization, scientists wrote: ' Insects are only 2mm long, living all over Europe can emit sounds that are heard from far away. If compared to the ratio between sound magnitude and body size, Micornecta Scholtzi is the world's largest sounding animal . '

The symphony calls the male partner of the male Micronecta Scholtzi created by rubbing the genital area with the abdomen, reaching a magnitude of 99.2 decibels. Thus the ratio of the decibel to the Scholtzi's body weight is 31.5 times 4 times the normal rate and far from the second species, S. Parneomeris with a rate of only 19.63.

But so far, researchers still do not understand which mechanism helps this tiny aphid to produce such a loud sound, especially that it does not have a component or system to amplify the sound.