Nicole Doctor was walking with his dog when he spotted a pitiful beetle 'writhing violently' on the brick floor.

Researchers from the University of Sheffield (UK) revealed that the bug has evolved more than 100 million years ago, 50 million years earlier than previously thought.

Our daily familiar dishes may contain a variety of exotic ingredients such as human hair, tar or rat hair.

This aphid species was first discovered in 1960, which is evidence of the impact of climate change, when the temperature is warmer.

The management of a large supermarket in the US releases about 72,000 ladybirds into stores to kill the aphids.

A tiny insect commonly known as aphid may be one of the few animals that can turn sunlight into energy like a tree.

According to new research by French and Scottish scientists, the tiny aphid species with scientific name Micronecta Scholtzi is the world's largest sound-producing animal,

In the natural world, animals almost have their own defense. Live Science page has listed some of the most unique secret weapons of animals.

He has just experimented with a campaign to prevent weed invasion with a tiny louse native to Japan.

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