Toads have the ability to predict earthquakes

Toads can predict earthquakes by sensing the change of chemicals in groundwater immediately after seismic occurrence.

That is the conclusion made by a team led by NASA's Friedemann Freund and Rachel Grant of the British Open University after years of observing the toads living in a pond in L'Aquila, Italy since the year. 2009 just before a major earthquake in the region.

Picture 1 of Toads have the ability to predict earthquakes

Scientists believe that animals that live in or near groundwater, like toads, are sensitive to changes in the chemical composition of water and therefore can recognize the predictor of an earthquake. going to happen.

According to the researchers' explanation, charged particles emitted from molten rock in the Earth's crust will react chemically with air as they come in contact with the Earth's surface and transfer air molecules into it. charged particles.

These positive ions in the air are known to cause symptoms of headache, nausea and increased levels of serotonin, a hormone that causes stress, in the blood of animals. They can also react with water to produce hydrogen peroxide.

This chain of chemical reactions has affected organic materials dissolved in pond water, turning harmless organic matter into toxic to domestic animals.

Therefore, this caused the toads to feel before they were earthquakeed and fled from the pond in L'Aquila, Italy before the earthquake.