Turn corn cobs into fuel

US scientists have found a way to produce cheaper and less expensive hydrogen fuel by treating corn husks or corn stalks.

Method of producing fuel from corn husks

The University of Virginia team uses dirty biomass as a core, shell, or maize stem in the process of generating fuel. Professor Percival Zhang and his colleagues apply genetic algorithms and other sophisticated mathematical expressions to analyze enzymes that break down unused parts of maize into hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

Picture 1 of Turn corn cobs into fuel
New technology could help people reduce their dependence on fossil fuel sources. (Photo: Reuters)

In research, they affect glucose and xylose, increasing the rate of hydrogen release at the same time . For conventional biological conversion, the two types of sugar can only be used sequentially. This system can speed up the reaction three times. At the same time, it requires only one research facility equivalent to a petrol station, much smaller than the existing hydrogen fuel facilities.

Corn processing plants can also generate their own fuel and provide energy for their operations. Experts say this could be a breakthrough in today's era when people depend on fossil fuels for environmental pollution.

" We believe that the new technology can promote the widespread use of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles around the world, and replace fossil fuels," said IB Times co-author Joe Rollin, co-author. study, say.

Hydrogen fuel has virtually no emissions . In order to generate a sufficiently large source of gas for vehicles and convert it into a fuel cell, the conversion from sugar now requires high production costs.