UK: Open commercial germ cell bank

Britain's Virgin Group owner, Richard Branson, February 1 started a controversial business: a germ cell storage company, aimed at giving parents the opportunity to store cells. germ from the umbilical cord of their children.

Picture 1 of UK: Open commercial germ cell bank (Photo: islandconnections) The company will operate as Virgin. Parents can store germ cells from their child's umbilical cord in the hope of using them to treat certain diseases, such as leukemia.

Some scientists believe that stem cells can also be used to treat many types of cancers as well as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and spinal cord injuries. In specific cases, these cells can also be used to treat siblings in the family.

Virgin's germ cell bank will charge around $ 2,850 for freezing and storing blood from the umbilical cord for 20 years.

Private storage of germplasm is considered illegal in France and Italy and is opposed by the European Council of Ethics and Science and Technology of the Council of Europe.