Understanding pleurisy cancer Meritorious patient Han Van Tinh

The following analysis will help us better understand the cancer of metastatic metastasis that the Meritorious Artist Han Van Tinh has.

Meritorious Artist Han Van Tinh - the " Quynh " character of " Land and People " has recently been hospitalized and diagnosed with metastatic metastatic cancer. After being taken to the hospital and smoked nearly 1 liter of pleural fluid, his health gradually stabilized, he was able to speak and eat things in liquid form. Currently, he is being treated at the hospital 198.

Picture 1 of Understanding pleurisy cancer Meritorious patient Han Van Tinh
Meritorious Artist Han Van Tinh was diagnosed with pleural metastatic cancer.

What is pleural cancer

Worldwide, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death. Lung cancer may arise in any part of the lungs, but 90% - 95% of lung cancers arise from epithelial cells , airways (bronchial) cells. For this reason, lung cancer is sometimes called carcinoma which is a term for cancer. Cancer may also arise from the pleura or rarely in blood vessels .

The case of secondary lung cancer (or lung metastases) is the tumor has spread to the lungs from a cancer somewhere else in the body. Lungs are a common place for metastasis from other cancers. This is because all blood flows through the lungs and can contain tumor cells from any other part of the body.

Basic symptoms

Doctor Nguyen Phuong shared in Health & Life newspaper, cancer patients often have chest pain and often do not have a clear pain point, there is damage like inflammation of the intercostal nerve. Sometimes pain around the shoulder blades, the inside of the arm.

Picture 2 of Understanding pleurisy cancer Meritorious patient Han Van Tinh
Lung cancer manifests chest pain, shortness of breath and long-term cough.

The phenomenon of dyspnea is only seen when the tumor compresses or obstructs the bronchial air, causing lung collapse, or pleural cancer metastatic causing pleural effusion. The patient also had difficulty speaking or speaking hoarse voice due to the tumor pressing on nerves, difficulty swallowing because the esophagus was pinched, thinning, light fever .

In addition, patients often experience symptoms such as: Cough does not stop and gets worse; hemoptisi; difficulty breathing, stuffy nose, hoarseness; Recurrent pneumonia and bronchitis; edema of the face and neck area; loss of appetite or weight loss, fatigue .

Causes of pleural cancer

The main causes of lung cancer include cancer-causing agents (such as cigarette smoke), ionizing radiation, and viral infections.

Cigarette smoke

Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. Hazardous substances, called cancer-causing agents, are found in cigarettes that damage cells in the lungs. Gradually, these cells may become cancerous. For every 10 people with lung cancer, there are 9 cases involving tobacco, active or passive smoking (inhaling tobacco smoke). People who smoke other cigarettes and passive smokers are also at risk.

Radon gas

Radon is a radioactive gas found in stones and stones, colorless, odorless and invisible to the naked eye in nature. It can damage the lungs and can lead to lung cancer. People working in mines may be exposed to radon gas and radon gas is found in homes in some areas.


Asbestos is the name of a group of minerals , found naturally in fibers and used in some industries. Asbestos has two main groups: amphibole group and serpentine group (chrysotile or white asbestos group). Amphibole groups when absorbed through the respiratory tract and stored in the lungs are difficult to be excreted. Fibers of the amphibole group are the main cause of diseases such as lung cancer and mesothelioma.


Researchers have found a link between lung cancer and exposure to certain air pollutants, such as byproducts produced during combustion of diesel and fuels. other fossils. However, this relationship has not been clearly defined and is still being studied.

History of yourself

A person who has had lung cancer once has a higher risk of developing lung cancer than a person who has never had lung cancer. Quitting smoking after being diagnosed with lung cancer can prevent your risk of developing lung cancer a second time.

Prevention and treatment of metastatic lung cancer

Researchers continue to explore the causes of lung cancer and look for ways to prevent the disease.

Picture 3 of Understanding pleurisy cancer Meritorious patient Han Van Tinh
Image of lung cancer cell.

How to prevent lung cancer is to create a clean and beautiful living environment , fresh air. In it, the best way to prevent lung cancer is to quit smoking (or never smoke).The sooner you quit smoking, the better.Even if you have been smoking for years, quitting smoking is never too late.Therefore, the most important thing is to stop smoking to help protect your lungs.At age 40 or older, should see a doctor, chest X-ray every 6 months or 1 year.

When lung cancer has spread, doctors can still treat it to help patients prolong their life and have a better quality of life. Radiation or chemotherapy can shrink tumors and treat symptoms, such as bone pain or difficulty breathing. Chemotherapy is the only and often used method in patients with small cell lung cancer.

In addition, a new treatment modality of lung cancer is now targeted therapies. It can be used with chemotherapy or when other treatments are not effective. This method aims to block blood vessels to nourish cancer cells in tumors. It can help lung cancer patients live longer. Targeted therapies can disrupt signals responsible for replication in cancer cells in the image above.