Unesco calls for smart investment in science

In the upcoming 2010 scientific report, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) emphasizes that science is the driving force of economic development and urges countries to invest smartly into science and technology to promote sustainable development.

Picture 1 of Unesco calls for smart investment in science Through its programs, UNESCO has assisted countries in developing science and technology policies, strategies and plans, reforming science and technology management systems in a new context.

UNESCO's support is also aimed at improving the quality of universities in developing countries, encouraging them to become catalysts for creative inventions through science parks.

UNESCO also oversees investments in science and technology, encourages the development of human and institutional capacities in the application of science and technology and poverty reduction.

UNESCO's 2010 scientific report also highlights the future challenge of enhancing coordination between government, business community and the science and technology community in order to accelerate development and important environmental technologies. for green economy including production of renewable energy, green transport, carbon capture, green construction, organic agriculture and ecotourism.

Finding new solutions to sustainable growth through green economy and strengthening science and technology capacity will be challenges of the 21st century.