Unfold the dinosaur secret

Dinosaurs far from mammals in terms of survival, and the main problem lies in their reproductive habits.

New research results by the University of Zurich in cooperation with the London Society of Zoology have uncovered the long-standing secret of the deep causes of dinosaurs extinction. Accordingly, the report published in san Biology Letters focused on explaining questions such as: why is such a large creature producing tiny eggs? Why can't flying dinosaurs fall into extinction, and the mystery of the bird's flying ability? Since then, experts have identified the main cause of mammals and birds escaping the great catastrophe of 65.5 million years ago.

Picture 1 of Unfold the dinosaur secret
Spawning, not giving birth, may have been laid
the end of the dinosaurs - (Photo: AFP)

Although there are still large birds that cannot fly like ostriches, their size is comparable to those of the ancient giant dinosaurs. To study, two experts Daryl Codron and Marcus Clauss of Zurich University (Switzerland) modeled dinosaur and mammalian communities, arranging them according to 27 rankings from small to largest. Next, the team uses algorithms to find out what happens between adult and their descendants, based on size and survival competition. While large mammals can give birth to big babies, dinosaurs face physical limitations because of egg-laying habits. This means that even the largest dinosaurs, which can weigh up to 150 tons, produce a tiny descendant.

If the weight is about 4 tons, the mother of dinosaurs is 2,500 times heavier than the newly hatched. For comparison, try to look at a typical heavyweight candidate in the modern age of elephants, with mother elephants only about 22 times heavier than newborn elephants. In other words, the newborn descendants of large mammals are also reasonably sized compared to their parents. The amazing difference in the shape of newly hatched dinosaurs and adult dinosaurs is due to the size limit of eggs.

After all, large eggs must of course have thick skins to avoid being crushed in their bodies. But the thick shell prevented the fetal oxygen exchange, so the egg could not pass the threshold, making the internal fetus limited. As a result, newly hatched baby dinosaurs cannot be as big as females of large-sized mammals. Besides, the mammal's offspring live in the same ecological drive, the way they live, with their parents. Because they are breastfed, they do not have much difficulty in the development process. However, the incident is completely different from the descendants of large dinosaurs.

When the genocide occurred 65.5 million years ago, only the largest dinosaurs survived, while smaller species suffered extinction. This creates large holes in the food chain, causing the dinosaurs to die slowly. In contrast, mammals can exist in every ecological drive, and constantly multiply. In the case of bird dinosaurs, experts believe that these dinosaurs must find ways to feed in the context of fierce competition from fellow animals and mammals. As a result, their flying ability is growing and proficient like birds now.