Unique and rare plant species in Vietnam: Rarely found anywhere, high risk of extinction!

This plant species has been classified as critically endangered in need of conservation by the World Red Book .

Bu Gia Map National Park is famous for its diversity of biological resources. Currently, the park has 1,114 plant species belonging to 480 genera, 126 families of 5 phyla of vascular plants, of which 24 are threatened, endangered, rare and endemic. There are 832 animal species with 106 mammal species, 248 bird species, 59 reptile species, 28 amphibian species, 342 insect species, 49 fish species. Of which, 61 are threatened, endangered and rare. Regarding non-timber forest products, the park has 345 species of plants with medicinal value and many species play an important role in social life. In particular, the park also has species that are completely new to science and endemic to the region such as Bu Gia Map yellow camellia (camellia bugiamapensis).

Picture 1 of Unique and rare plant species in Vietnam: Rarely found anywhere, high risk of extinction!
The rare and endangered plant mentioned is the Bu Gia Map yellow tea flower. (Photo: Internet).

Rare plant species found nowhere else

The plant mentioned is the Bu Gia Map yellow flower tea . According to Binh Phuoc Online , the Bu Gia Map yellow flower tea has the scientific name Camellia bugiamapensis Orel, Curry, Luu & QDNguyen. This is an endemic plant species of Bu Gia Map National Park, announced in 2014. This plant has very beautiful flowers so its landscape value is very high.

Golden flower tea is also known by other names such as: golden flower tea, longevity tea, forest tea . The tree has a small, green, woody trunk, about 2m to 5m high. The branches are sparse and the bark is light gray-yellow.

Picture 2 of Unique and rare plant species in Vietnam: Rarely found anywhere, high risk of extinction!
Bu Gia Map yellow flower tea is a rare plant in the tea family in Vietnam. (Photo: Internet).

Leaves are simple, alternate, long and narrow, round. Leaf blade is oblong, about 11cm to 14cm long, about 4-5cm wide, hairless, leaf margin has small serrations, lateral veins about 10 pairs and petiole is 6-7mm long.

Yellow camellia flowers grow alone on leaf stalks. Each flower has about 8-10 petals, eye-catching yellow color. There are 3-4 pistils and only partially fused together. The flowers are about 5cm to 6cm in diameter, with many diverse forms.

The blooming season is November and lasts until March. From January to March is when the tree grows many new leaves.

Picture 3 of Unique and rare plant species in Vietnam: Rarely found anywhere, high risk of extinction!
This plant is very special, it is only suitable for mountainous areas, it does not like direct sunlight. (Photo: Internet).

This plant is very special, it is only suitable for mountainous areas, does not like direct sunlight. Therefore, it only grows well when planted under large trees with soil similar to the natural environment.

According to the website of Bu Gia Map National Park , Bu Gia Map yellow camellia is a rare plant species in the tea family (theaceae) in Vietnam. There are about 500 species of yellow camellia in the world belonging to 18 different genera, of which the camellia genus has about 100-250 species. In Vietnam, yellow camellia is cultivated and grows wild in nature from North to South with about 68 recorded species. Yellow camellia in Bu Gia Map National Park is of great interest to domestic and foreign scientists, because it grows in the terrain of the area that represents the only transitional climate zone from the highlands to the Southeast that cannot be found anywhere else.

Picture 4 of Unique and rare plant species in Vietnam: Rarely found anywhere, high risk of extinction!
This type of yellow flower tea is only found in a small area (1km2) in Bu Gia Map National Park. (Photo: Internet).

This yellow tea flower species is only found in a small area (1km2) in Bu Gia Map National Park. Bu Gia Map yellow tea flower species has been included in the World Red Book (IUCN Red List, 2018) by scientists. The number of mature trees is extremely small (estimated at 49-70 trees) and is classified as CR (extremely endangered). In particular, Bu Gia Map yellow tea flower species, in addition to its value in preserving genetic resources, is also assessed by scientists as having medicinal value similar to many yellow tea flower species that have been recognized worldwide.

Medicinal plants highly appreciated by experts

According to Binh Phuoc Newspaper , among all types of yellow flower tea, Bu Gia Map yellow flower tea is considered to have high medicinal value. Up to now, in the country as well as in the world, there have been many separate studies on medicinal herbs for this Bu Gia Map yellow flower tea. The results of the analysis show that there are more than 400 active ingredients recorded. In Bu Gia Map yellow flower tea, there are many valuable compounds such as: Saponin, polyphenol, polysaccharide, flavonoids and elements such as selenium (Se), germannium (Ge), kalium (K), zinc (Zn), molybdenum (Mo), vanadium (V), manganese (Mn) and vitamins B1, B2, C. These are important substances used to support cancer treatment, stabilize blood sugar, detoxify the liver, purify the body, anti-aging, increase vitality, reduce stress.

Picture 5 of Unique and rare plant species in Vietnam: Rarely found anywhere, high risk of extinction!
In the yellow camellia plant Bu Gia Map there are many valuable compounds. (Photo: Internet).

According to Oriental medicine, this precious tea is considered to have a gentle, faint aroma, sweet taste, and neutral properties. They are classified into three meridians: kidney, muscle, and heart. Thanks to that flavor, this medicinal herb is effective in preventing some diseases such as strong diuretic, detoxifying the liver and kidneys very well. Not only does it help eliminate excess fluids, this drink also helps eliminate toxins and purify your body effectively. In addition, yellow flower tea also helps reduce blood sugar in diabetics, stabilizes blood sugar and reduces complications, helps cool the body, detoxifies the liver, treats liver diseases, supports weight loss, increases resistance, reduces minor illnesses such as flu, runny nose, anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory and maintains stable blood pressure.

Scientists in many countries around the world have researched and proven that the leaves, flowers and young buds of the tea tree can all be used as medicine. The leaves and buds can be harvested at any time of the year. Camellia flowers need to be harvested in March or April every year. This is the time when the flowers have the most nutritional value to be used as medicine.

Picture 6 of Unique and rare plant species in Vietnam: Rarely found anywhere, high risk of extinction!
Bu Gia Map yellow flower tea is a rare plant that needs to be further propagated and developed. (Photo: Internet).

After harvesting, users can use fresh medicinal herbs or dry them, roast them and process them into dried yellow flower tea for use. According to experience in processing yellow flower tea, to get 1kg of dried yellow flower tea, 10kg of fresh flowers are needed to prepare.

Thus, Bu Gia Map yellow camellia is a rare plant with great potential in medicinal production that needs to be expanded and further developed. Researching and effectively conserving the yellow camellia distributed in Bu Gia Map National Park is an extremely important and necessary task, in order to promptly protect precious natural values ​​for future generations.