This plant species has been classified as critically endangered in need of conservation by the World Red Book.

This is a precious medicinal plant often found in the mountainous provinces of our country.

Scientists have discovered the rosemary tree on Ong Mountain, which is valuable as a ornamental, medicinal plant or food for young worms.

Black radish leaves are sterilized and evaluated the content of substances containing strong antioxidant active ingredients, inhibiting cancer and high HIV.

In the mountainous district of Tan Ky, authorities have discovered many rare and precious native ginseng such as fatty ginseng, 7 leaves per flower.

Immortality is always a dream for mankind, we don't want to face death because we are afraid or we simply love this life. Eating mermaid, eating golden apples, drinking sacred

Researchers at Kew Botanical Gardens in London (UK) said that there are many ways for people to exploit the capacity of trees.

Mistakes are parasitic plants on different host plants and have long been used to treat many diseases in Oriental medicine.

Cordyceps is one of the most expensive biological items in the world, can cure aches and pains, treat cancer and enhance fertility.

The health of hundreds of millions of people on the planet could be in danger because medicinal plants are being over-exploited.