Unique construction technology helps complete a 57-storey building in 19 days

Broad Sustainable Building, a Chinese architectural firm, recently completed a 57-storey building with a capacity of 800 apartments in just 19 days.

This building is called Mini Sky City . The architect behind it is Zhang Yue, an entrepreneur who possesses "very Elon Musk" qualities when making revolutionary innovations.

According to the BBC, Zhang is burning a revolution in construction.

In Zhang's revolutionary process, the Mini Sky City building is just the beginning, just like its "mini" name

Broad Group also wants to build the tallest building in the world, higher than the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. The building will be called Sky City, about 220 stories high.

Zhang Yue once replied to the BBC that Broad Group will build this Sky City building in a flash. While the Burj building in Dubai took five years to complete, Zhang said his company only took about seven months to build Sky City.

This building is expected to turn into a high-altitude paradise with indoor gardens or a straight-up airport.

So what is the key to this construction method? It is the construction way in modular construction.

Picture 1 of Unique construction technology helps complete a 57-storey building in 19 days
This building is called Mini Sky City.

Modular construction is a process in which most buildings are constructed elsewhere, usually in a factory, in accordance with the same materials and designs and standards as when built in the field but in time is shortened to only half. These "prefabricated" building blocks are then transferred to the main construction site and then assembled together into the final product, still meeting the design and construction standards.

Picture 2 of Unique construction technology helps complete a 57-storey building in 19 days
This modular design has been used in small buildings.

We may also have heard about Ikea, the now famous global furniture designer, with products that allow users to bring their own assembly.

Ikea described the idea of ​​his assembly sofa as follows:

"The best thing about this assembling sofa is that you can assemble yourself in any way you like, add it or adjust it elsewhere if you need it. With countless designs and colors we offer. You can easily get the most suitable item for you ".

And now, Broad Group's constructions are going exactly as Ikea did with the assembled sofa.

According to information from BBC, the construction process is quite similar: steel in Broad Group's factories is welded into modules such as straight lines or curves:

Picture 3 of Unique construction technology helps complete a 57-storey building in 19 days
These modules are transported by trucks to the building site.

Picture 4 of Unique construction technology helps complete a 57-storey building in 19 days
Get pulled up high.

Picture 5 of Unique construction technology helps complete a 57-storey building in 19 days
Then put it back into place, just like a Tetris puzzle we still play.

Chen Xiangqian, the company's engineer, said: "With the traditional method of building a house, we have to build buildings in the same way as each brick, but with this new method, we just need to assemble the blocks together, this is the fastest construction method in the construction industry ".

See the process of completing the 59-story building in the video below: