The robot builds the house for 14 hours

The researchers created a robotic system capable of creating a home in less than a day, promising complete change in construction.

The state- of-the-art (MITP) Digital Building Equipment (DCP) team of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) can build a home in 3D in less than a day, much less than with a seven-month period of time, according to Seeker.

The process of manufacturing a part of the house of 3D printing robots.

The DCP is powered by a solar cell, using the correct moving arm to spray the foam insulation onto the ground, then fill it with cement. It can build a 15m diameter wall, 3m high in 14 hours, fast and cheap compared to traditional construction methods.

The structure of the building can be customized based on the needs and wishes of the owner. The internal structure is also capable of changing, many different materials can be incorporated in the construction process. Different material densities are adjustable to optimize durability, insulation performance or other properties.

The robot arm is mounted on the crawler platform to move to the required position. It is equipped with a variety of nozzles, depending on the purpose of the work is poured concrete or spray insulation material.

Picture 1 of The robot builds the house for 14 hours
DCP inside the wall self-construction. (Photo: MIT)

DCP is capable of creating complex cubes. The team wants to achieve a multifunctional design that is self sufficient. They added a dump to the robot to self-leveling or gathering material around. With the ability to use the solar cell, the machine can operate in developing countries and disaster areas, when power and fuel are not available.

This technology not only changes the way people build homes on Earth, but it is predicted to be effective in missions on Mars. MIT wanted to create a fully automated system for launching into the Moon, Mars or Antarctica.