US development of super-plane, unmanned

Scientists at the Sandia National Laboratory in California have created an unmanned, multi-tasking machine that can travel anywhere.

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The idea of American researchers is that, with its original shape as an unmanned aircraft, the machine can be transformed to suit complex tasks, requiring both aerial reconnaissance , move under water, walk on the ground and overcome all obstacles along the way.

Picture 1 of US development of super-plane, unmanned

According to the Sandia research team, the wings of the aircraft will turn into ribs and rudders to help the underwater machine. It can also strip away the "skin" outside, exposing the wheels to help it move back and forth on the seabed and the ground. Special designed wheels have the ability to jump higher than 9 meters in the air, helping the machine to overcome obstacles barrier road.

"The true value of the new super-media is that it delivers maximum flexibility in complex missions," said Wired's Sandstone project engineer Jon Salton. As a result, the effectiveness of special campaigns can be significantly improved.

Up to now, Sandia Laboratories have fabricated and tested hardware transform prototype vehicles. They hope to gain funding to improve the prototype and get the help of partners to apply it to reality.

A government-sponsored study recently unveiled the idea of nuclear-powered unmanned aerial vehicles, which can fly for months without refueling. They are also pursuing the creation of a compact vehicle such as a shoebox, guided by a GPS navigation system and able to jump over obstacles over 6 meters.

Despite being famous for its illusory ideas, Sandia Laboratories asserted that their transformational hypermedia project was feasible and would soon be realized.