Use a 3D printer to make electronic speakers

US engineers say they have built-in electronic speakers with full functionality, and it is also the first consumer electronics in the world to be made using 3D printing.

In a project led by Cornell University's Cornell University professor Hod Lipson, the team chose the first electronic speaker to be the first to be made using a 3D printer, according to CNET.

Picture 1 of Use a 3D printer to make electronic speakers
Electronic speakers are printed directly from 3D printers - (Photo: Cornell University)

Made from synthetic resin, with conductive core and magnet, the loudspeaker can be used immediately after the furnace, not through the assembly process as traditional methods.

Cornell University experts predict that this process will become more common in the near future, instead of assembling products from many different parts, fully functional devices that can be fabricated. immediately and on demand.

Professor Lipson estimates that the creation of simple devices such as loudspeakers is predicted to be just a tip of the iceberg.

The 3D printer market is expected to revolutionize consumer electronics, as well as other industries.