Using umbrellas is not effective against sun protection

We are still exposed to a large amount of UV light when using umbrellas on the beach without applying sunscreen.

If you think sitting under a beach umbrella does not need to apply sunscreen, but a new study published in JAMA Dermatology in March 2017 shows that this thought is inaccurate, according to Mother Nature Network.

In the study, 81 volunteers spent more than 3 hours on the beach in Texas, USA, at noon. They sit under the shade of the umbrella, or apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 100.

Picture 1 of Using umbrellas is not effective against sun protection
The umbrella has no effect on shielding harmful UV rays reflected from sand or sponges.(Photo: iStock).

The results showed that the umbrella was almost ineffective in preventing UVB ultraviolet rays from causing sunburn. About 78% of those sitting under the umbrella showed signs of sunburn. Meanwhile this number in people who apply sunscreen is 25%.

Doctors recommend that we wear clothes, wear hats or use umbrellas with a UV protection index (UPF) of 50 or more. The closer and darker the product is to the woven fabric, the higher the UPF index.

"If we assume that the cell used in the study has a UPF of at least 50, then the cell's protection level is equivalent to sunscreen with an SPF of 100. However, the difference comes from reflected UV rays. from the sand , water at the corner is lower than the barrier of the cell at different times of the day, " said Russell Glaun, a dermatologist at the University of Florida, USA.

According to Glaun, the actual amount of UV rays you get through the reflection process is surprising."About 25% of UV rays are reflected through sand or sponges. Because of indirect exposure to UV rays by reflection, you can be affected by 80% of the solar radiation while standing under the umbrella" , Glaun said.

Glaun recommends that people use a variety of different methods to protect themselves from harmful radiation from sunlight such as: sitting in the shade, using sunscreen with the lowest SPF of 30, use a sunshade with a UPF of 50 or higher, avoid going in the sun during peak hours.