'Very dangerous' spicy ice cream, accompanied by warnings of people who enjoy it can die

You can take your lover to eat this ice cream on the go out here, if your lover is an adventurous daredevil.

The Café and Kem Aldwych in Scotland give you the "most dangerous ice cream in the world". Diners must be 18 years old to be able to enjoy it, but that is not all: you have to sign a paper confirming that you understand what you are engaged in. According to the paper, you run the risk of "injury, illness and potentially death ". Just a little ice cream .

Picture 1 of 'Very dangerous' spicy ice cream, accompanied by warnings of people who enjoy it can die
Photos from the cafe page of the cafe above.

Respiro Del Davolo's ice cream maker (Italian for " Breath of the Devil" ) confirms that this eye-catching red ice cream spicy over 500 times the famous Tabasco chutney . It's so hot that ice cream workers say they have to wear gloves to work.

No one knows what the ingredient in this ice cream is, except for the cafe owner: this is an esoteric ice cream recipe, which has existed since 1936. Respiro Del Davolo is also not too expensive, according to the owner shop, its price is also equal to regular ice cream.

Picture 2 of 'Very dangerous' spicy ice cream, accompanied by warnings of people who enjoy it can die
This cream is more spicy than 500 times the famous chili Tabasco.

These super-spicy foods seem like a challenge to gourmet souls who like to experience pain to see where they are going.

When eating anything very spicy, the spicy substance will affect the part that senses the pain of the nervous system, along with the extreme heat method that makes it painful, which is why we feel burning when eating. plough.

Picture 3 of 'Very dangerous' spicy ice cream, accompanied by warnings of people who enjoy it can die
Respiro Del Davolo is also not too expensive, according to the owner, the price is also equal to regular ice cream.

The body responds by raising its body temperature, sweating, pushing blood to the face. It is also common to have tears in your nose after eating spicy food.

The more spicy food you eat, the more your body will get used to it and build your own tolerance. In other words, the more spicy they eat, the more familiar they are and the more spicy they eat.

Thought to eat ice cream is to refresh between the HOT of any season? Maybe I was wrong.