Video: A giant blue whale nearly 30 meters long approaches a tourist's boat

The sight of a nearly 30-meter-long blue whale swimming right next to the tourists' boat in the middle of the ocean made many viewers have a mixture of heartache and excitement.

Picture 1 of Video: A giant blue whale nearly 30 meters long approaches a tourist's boat
The image of a nearly 30-meter-long blue whale approaching a tourist's boat

The special encounter with the blue whale took place off the coast of Newport Beach, California on August 1. The person who posted the video said: "It is rare for this species to behave so friendly. Blue whales are usually focused on feeding and are not too concerned with human presence. But this whale did repeatedly approached us even when the boat was not moving."

The blue whale is the largest known animal in Earth's history. One of the largest dinosaur genera of the Mesozoic era, Argentinosaurus , weighed only 90 tons, about the same size as an average blue whale.

This species has a large, long and slender body that makes it easy to break water when moving. They have gray-green smooth skin, a lighter belly, and a series of folds on their neck that can dilate four times when eaten. The blue whale's tail is straight and splits into two oars that help propel their massive body under the pressure of the current.

Blue whales belong to the "toothless" whale family . They have about 395 horns growing on their upper jaws and are used to filter food from water. Like their relatives, blue whales also have two holes in their backs, which are used to push stale air and seawater out of their lungs as they emerge to breathe.