Video: Cats like to lick your face, if you want to do the opposite, buy this fake tongue

Cat lovers always want to show their affection by acting like cuddling or cuddling. But the sad thing is that humans and cats have a way of showing their love with different actions.

While people often hug or kiss, cats often prefer to rub their heads into their hands or play with their owners.

Picture 1 of Video: Cats like to lick your face, if you want to do the opposite, buy this fake tongue
With this product, people have been able to express affection in the same way as cats.

But thanks to Licki Brush , in the end, humans were able to express affection in a cat-like manner. The new product for cat owners is a large, fake tongue that mimics a cat's tongue.

With this tongue, the cat owner can lick his pet cat the same way that a mother cat licks a kitten.