The color of the tongue warns the disease

The white tongue is a sign that you may have diabetes, a red tongue when the body lacks iron, the tongue is blue and purple, manifests heart disease .

The healthy tongue is light pink, according to Men's Healthy. The tongue may change color on the coating. The thickness of the coating indicates the level of health problems you are experiencing.

Here are the health warnings when the tongue changes color.

White tongue

A thick or heavy white coating on the tongue surface usually involves diabetes or a weak immune system. This condition is common in people who smoke a lot.

Red tongue

The bright red tongue is a sign that the body is deficient in iron and some vitamins, especially B12. Vegetarians, tongue often red.

Red tongue also indicates mental or emotional stress. The tongue may become redder when you are stressed. This phenomenon will end when you are able to stabilize your emotions and status.

Picture 1 of The color of the tongue warns the disease
Red tongue also indicates mental or emotional stress.(Illustration).

Black tongue

The main cause is due to the accumulation of bacteria, or regular smokers. You need good oral hygiene, brush your teeth three times a day, floss and stop smoking.

Golden tongue

Yellow on the tongue warns of liver or stomach problems, Dr. Jon Marashi said . "The yellow tongue may be the beginning of the disease then turn brown or black."

In addition, the cause of yellow tongue is due to poor oral hygiene or drug abuse. If your dental care is not effective, you should see your doctor for treatment.

Brown tongue

Usually, brown tongue comes from food."The discoloration of the tongue may be due to drinking coffee or smoking," Marashi said. This condition can last for a long time.

Blue or purple tongue

Blue or purple blades may be a sign of heart disease, Dr. Marashi said. If the heart is not properly pumped or lack of oxygen in the blood, the tongue turns purple blue.

Light tongue

Pale tongue indicates a deficiency of vitamins A and B12. You should add vitamin A rich foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, cantaloupe, spinach and kale, foods rich in vitamin B12, such as liver, fish, beef and cereals.