Hummingbirds suck bile with their tongue

Hummingbirds suck bile with their tongue. The leech regulates body temperature before and after eating. Cattle cannot transmit the disease for about 1.5 days after the symptoms of foot and mouth disease, and they are only able to spread the virus within 1.7 days, which is 3 scientific discoveries. Study in 2 weeks of May 2011.

1. Hummingbirds use their tongues as a trap, to suck bile

This discovery changed the understanding of nearly two centuries of hummingbird tongue, a new high-speed video that shows that nectar doesn't really fill the hummingbird's groove pair, not the same way. Any liquid: will also flow over the groove and flow through tiny capillaries. Instead, the change in the shape of the two grooves on the hummingbird's beak acts like a nectar trap that helps the tongue pull out and sip .

Observed in living hummingbirds and dead hummingbirds, it shows that: changes in the same groove, this system works effectively to help hummingbirds save energy when sucking nectar. The rethinking of hummingbird head grooves can affect studies of food search and the evolution of hummingbirds that use nectar as food. The results of this study were published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, issued on May 2, 2011, by researchers working at the University of Connecticut, USA.

Picture 1 of Hummingbirds suck bile with their tongue
Hummingbirds are sucking bile

2. Review of foot and mouth disease in cattle

The use of drastic measures to eliminate those who have foot and mouth disease may be just a nostalgia of the past when scientists can develop new ways to control the spread of foot and mouth disease on cattle quickly, according to UK researchers. Their experiment showed that cattle could not transmit the disease for a period of 1.5 days after, with symptoms of foot and mouth disease infection .

In addition, the average time that cattle with foot and mouth disease can spread the virus is only about 1.7 days, shorter than the period that pathologists often expect, the results of This study was published in the journal Science , published on May 6, 2011. This raises the hope that new tests will help to control the spread of foot and mouth disease on numbers. Large amounts of cattle, can quickly reduce the need for controversial and expensive measures.

3. Diapers adjust body temperature before and after eating

The results of the study are published online in the journal Biology Letters , published on May 3, 2011, by researchers at Wellesley College, Massachusetts, USA. Leeches often reach high temperature places immediately after sucking blood, because the high temperature of the habitat can provide them with more energy, needed for digestion and excretion after full meals. drunk. However, between meals, these organisms may not be eating for months in cool, cold environments - ideal conditions for energy savings, researchers say. .