Video: Dropping a fishing line in a small river, the man pulls up a 'monster' with a bite force 6 times that of a shark

Instead of catching fish, the man had an unexpected harvest.

A man was casting a fishing line in a narrow stretch of river. But instead of pulling up a fish, this person caught a creature with a rather scary appearance: It was a crocodile turtle (Scientific name: Macrochelys temminckii ).

Picture 1 of Video: Dropping a fishing line in a small river, the man pulls up a 'monster' with a bite force 6 times that of a shark
Instead of catching fish, this man caught a turtle monster.

The turtle is estimated to weigh between 30 and 35kg, making it one of the largest freshwater turtles in the world. Not only that, they are also famous for having a bite force of up to 480 kg / inch2, which is 6 times stronger than a shark. Therefore, this species of turtle is often referred to as the "turtle monster".

They have 3 rows of spines on their shells to protect the many sensitive nerve endings below. The turtle shell alone accounts for 70% of the turtle's total weight. Their lifespan is still a mystery, but these turtles can live for over 100 years in the wild.