Video: Giant worms hide in aquariums for 2 years

According to Daily Mail, a man in the United States was extremely frightened when he discovered the Bobbit worm, which was 1.2 meters long while cleaning the aquarium.

The owner of the aquarium said: "I began to notice it when I saw all the corals in the tank" missing "in an unintelligible way, it was hiding in the rocks and just swimming out at night."

Picture 1 of Video: Giant worms hide in aquariums for 2 years
The giant worm hid in the aquarium.(Photo taken from the clip).

This man has been buying this aquarium for 2 years and this is the first time to clean up.

The video of the worm swimming in the pool was posted on YouTube by an account named Gurutek and attracted more than 170,000 views.