Video: A close-up of a parasitic monster

Similar to the gruesome scene in a famous Hollywood sci-fi movie about alien monsters, a "terrible" parasitic worm has come out of a mantis's body only in a more gradual way. 1/2 its body size.

The scene of anomaly reminds me of Hollywood's classic "Alien" (1979). In the movie, an alien parasite monster punctured the belly of Sigourney Weaver to get out.

The video of the incident shows that a person used insecticides to kill a mantis. Just a few seconds later, to the camera's amazement, a large worm came out of its dead host and wiggled on the floor.

Experts reported by German newspaper Bild showed the video, clearly the parasitic worms had eaten the living mantis from inside. Without losing his life because of insecticides, the mantis will eventually die when the worm is ready to escape.

According to experts, the "giant" parasite in the video above is a horse mane , the scientific name is Nematomorpha . The worm can grow to 2 meters long, but their bodies are very thin. Adult Nematomorpha individuals live freely in the water, but their larvae live in various types of insects and crustaceans.

Picture 1 of Video: A close-up of a parasitic monster

Worms Nematomorpha not only settle in the abdomen of the host, but also eat them when they are alive, causing staggering movements, which can cause insects to fall into the water. This is ideal for parasitic worms because they need water to reproduce.

In 2002, researchers used to examine information that parasitic insects "committed suicide" by jumping into the water. They compared the behavior of worm-infected crickets with other healthy crickets and discovered that it was true that individuals in the first group were more likely to jump into the water. While water is a dangerous, life-threatening environment for crickets, their parasites rely on water for reproduction.