Sharks give birth without male fish that is astonishing Japanese aquarium

Do sharks survive without mating? Wonders of the natural world bring a myriad of surprises.

The process of spawning from an ovule without fertilization, which occurs naturally in some plants and invertebrates, is called a 'virgin'.

Uozu Aquarium was extremely surprised when the two striped shark (which belongs to the shark family) gave birth without mating and contacted Associate Professor Kenji Nohara of Tokai University, majoring in molecular ecology, to Find out information about this issue.

The people working at the aquarium were stunned by this birth because the tank here was only female. The aquarium, according to a September 24 announcement, confirmed that the sharks had undergone a process of breeding.

Picture 1 of Sharks give birth without male fish that is astonishing Japanese aquarium
The striped striped shark has been confirmed to be born during the process of breeding during the Uozu Aquarium.The picture was taken in 2016. (Image: Mamoru Takatsu)

Nohara said this is the first time in the world the phenomenon of virginity occurs in striped shark.

This fish lives and feeds on the bottom, thriving from the waters off Japan to the coast of Japan.

Adults are up to 1.5 meters long. Striped sharks are very gentle and are widely cultured in aquariums throughout Japan.

The Uozu Aquarium said four fry, born in 2016, although no males have lived in the tank, by then, have been more than eight years. Three more children were born in 2017.

After analyzing the offspring's genes, Nohara only discovered the maternal orienting gene and concluded that this was a case of virginity.

Nohara presented his findings at an annual meeting of the Japan Fish Research Association, held at Kochi University on September 21.

It is known to occur in some other genera of sharks and rays in addition to sharks.

'As a mechanism to ensure species survival, this phenomenon is more likely to occur in primitive species , ' says Nohara.

  1. Baby sharks are annexed, eradicated from the womb
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