Video: Glasses help colorblind people distinguish colors

Ordinary people have the ability to recognize 1-7 million different colors. Meanwhile, colorblind people can only recognize 10,000 - 100,000 colors. The color spectrum is significantly reduced.

Picture 1 of Video: Glasses help colorblind people distinguish colors
EnChroma glass.

A normal person has 3 cones in the eye, helping to identify three basic colors: blue, green and red. Light when exposed to the eye is processed by the brain. The brain will analyze the ratio of light to determine color.

In color-blind people, red and green-colored cone cells are disordered, causing color signals and the rate of light to malfunction, making it difficult for the brain to distinguish red and color. green.

EnChroma glass uses an optical filter, capable of removing some wavelengths of light, helping colorblind people to distinguish colors more accurately before entering the eyes. As a result, color-blind people can see more clearly.