Video: Professional aquatic monster

An eel-like fish dating back more than 300 million years has a way of eating strange prey, becoming the fearsome enemy of sharks and whales.

Picture 1 of Video: Professional aquatic monster
A species of fish called Eptatretus of Hagfish is recorded in Tirúa, Chile. The video showing this eel-like creature was shared by Viral Hog on YouTube on March 2 with the title "The most exotic fish in the world" , attracting more than 30,000 views.In the video, the gray, slippery, crawling animal from the cliff to the sea, according to Sun.

Picture 2 of Video: Professional aquatic monster
Hagfish is the only living animal known to have a skull but no spine.They eat prey from the inside by drilling a deep hole through the prey's flesh.Hagfish often eats much larger prey like sharks, whales and birds.

Picture 3 of Video: Professional aquatic monster
Hagfish can fast for many months thanks to sluggish body quality.A total of 76 hagfish species are found in cold waters around the world.

Picture 4 of Video: Professional aquatic monster
This fish releases a viscous mucus that makes them slippery and difficult to catch when attacked by enemies.They existed on Earth more than 300 million years before the dinosaurs.