Video: robot skeleton to help workers porter goods

The video depicts some of the activities in Panasonic's factory, with workers being equipped with an external skeleton to help them carry goods, deliver goods or other heavy work.

It is known that Japan previously published many types of skeletons like this to assist older people walk or strengthen the strength of workers but this is the first time we first see it applied on the rules. Bigger for all factory workers, feeling like watching StarTrek's fictional movie than it is real life.

The power of robot skeleton.

The skeleton in the video is called the Assist Suit AWN-03 , which is inserted into the waist, waist and extends down to the wearer's knee. A battery of up to eight hours continuous power is provided to provide energy to the skeleton . Panasonic says that the entire weight of the skeleton is only about 6kg (excluding batteries) and is easy to wear. After use, the skeleton is supposed to reduce the maximum pressure of 15kg on the back of the user when lifting the package. It is known not only in the factory of Panasonic, but this skeleton is being tested in many factories of other partners.

Video introduces other applications of robot skeleton.

Picture 1 of Video: robot skeleton to help workers porter goods
The skeleton is attached to the back, waist and extends down to the knee of the wearer.

Picture 2 of Video: robot skeleton to help workers porter goods
Robot skeleton helps reduce the maximum pressure on the back of the user.

Picture 3 of Video: robot skeleton to help workers porter goods
Users are more easily transported with the robot skeleton.