One of the factors that has a direct impact on people doing it is light, which directly touches people in almost the entire working time.
Earth rotates around the Sun all 365 days 6h - that's 1 year. The sun goes down and grows for 24 hours - that's 1 day.
The results of the recent study show that it appeared more than 7,000 years ago, during the Neolithic period. From more than 300 human skeletons found throughout Central Europe,
Many years after the death of the great leader of the Russian Revolution in October, scientists have identified the exact cause of his death.
The famous terracotta army in the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang was created by workers and artisans specializing in dog meat.
China is completing the first factory of the Dongguan manufacturing center with plans to replace almost all workers with robots.
The suit is made of carbon fiber that acts as a bow and arrow, helping workers carry heavy goods more easily.
As our world grows in technology direction, robots can replace people in most jobs.
According to a correspondent in Brussels, the EP is considering a draft resolution aimed at making requests to the European Commission to build a legal framework for the use of
Japan has announced several types of robot skeletons to assist older people walk or strengthen workers. We will see firsthand that it is applied on a large scale to all factory